How Cooking Can Ruin Your Wig

How Cooking Can Ruin Your Wig

Smell that? Is it pumpkin pie, turkey, and stress sweat from dealing with distant relatives? Must mean the holidays are upon us once again!

With the holiday season so close, many people are scouring Pinterest and Grandma's recipe box for holiday meal ideas and baked goods. But beware! No matter how delicious your entrees may be, you may end up cooking more than your Thanksgiving dinner this year. That's right folks, we're talking about your synthetic wig! But don’t worry—we’re here to help you avoid a sticky (or melty) situation to guarantee your get-togethers go over without a hitch.

While synthetic wigs are normally low maintenance, many first-time wig wearers don't know that synthetic hairpieces aren't exactly kitchen friendly—especially when it comes to heat. Synthetic wig fibers are made from a variety of quality plastic strands which may contain polyester, polyvinyl, and acrylic. While you probably already know that you can't use heated styling tools on your synthetic 'do, you might not know that the heat from cooking can scorch, fry, and even melt your wig! We’re talking about a huge mess.

How does this happen? Heat or steam from standing over boiling pots and the initial blast of hot air when you open the oven are both nefarious culprits that can ruin your wig forever in an instant. Even opening a hot dishwasher can be a threat!

This can pose a problem for those who plan to prepare their meals wearing their synthetic wig. The holidays can be frustrating enough as is; now add in hair loss due to cancer treatments, alopecia areata, or other illnesses, and trying to keep everything as normal as possible for your family. The thought of not wearing a wig may just be too much. But don’t worry; there are several ways to ensure your wig will be the last thing on your mind this holiday season.

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